Tuesday, September 18, 2007

This Strange Fellow

I had not thought about the face I present to the cyber-world. Or to my fellow Ugandans that encounter me in my forays and blogs.

I know myself. And with that strange insight common to all of us, I expect that the others will know me. So I assume that they do. I know my profile is scanty on details. It has to be. I do live in Uganda. Yet I assume that any Ugandan would be at least comfortable with my being a Ugandan.

Course it is not correct. I am gay. I am a gay blogger, blogging from Uganda, and willing to talk knowledgeably about my sexuality, my lover, and my personal life in Uganda. Strange. Very strange.

If I was outside the country, it would be no big deal. But I am inside the country. Before, I was this invisible gay guy, the homosexual that everyone is talking about. One of the masked fellows who came out at the press conference. Now I have shed a bit of my anonymity. Claimed some space in cyber world, and invited others in.

I know many Ugandans do not think they know any person who is gay. Or that they know for sure is gay. So I am a curiosity.

I didn’t understand what I was to others. I am so comfortable with what I am, that I did not consider the reception that others would give me. That is, until one of them commented that the others were not commenting on my blog. And that he had also been a bit reluctant to put a link to this blog on his blog.

Oh, I have been received with curiously open hands by some. The 27th Comrade seems to have no problem engaging me in dialogue. He has admitted that he is leery of me, and it is him who gave me the insight into other Ugandan bloggers reaction. He has accepted that I am part of the diversity that Uganda is. Gerald, I first met when I saw his discussion on the legalisation of homosexuality in Uganda. I commented on it. And stirred the pot. And we have had a fairly interesting conversation there.

At first I was impassioned by the myths which seem to be prevalent. Then I went into ‘lecture mode’. But I have to give it to my fellow Ugandans. Yes, some are pretty intransigent. I am gay, so I am sub-human. Period. But like always, a few are able to give me a day in court. At least in Cyberworld!

May the debate continue!



Anonymous said...

Yo!! this is my second time on this blog and I must say - yup, I'm really impressed with your writing skills. You've got skills!! though, I must also say that I don't in anyway agree with the whole homosexuality thing. guess this puts me in that debate room, uh?

thing is: it just dont seem natural to me! call me primitive. Truth is: strong words here: i also find it way disgusting! And I just hope and pray that you may find redemption and release.

Be cool now!! That's the good thing with blogs - no shouting!!

Tovi Ellesse.

gayuganda said...

Hi Tovi,

Thanks for the praise.

As for the sex thing, you know what, I should introduce you to my lover. To him having sex with a woman is way beyond repugnant!

No, you are not primitive. Sometimes it is hard to see another person's point of view.
Long as you dont want me to go to prison for making love to my lover, I would say you are just a human being, like me. We are different, even when we are the same.


Sasha said...

hey gug,

very sober response! Kudos! Gandhi would be proud!

Jay said...

As a European I maybe have no saying in this. However, it is my deepest feeling that the goodness and creation of men will prevail. That is ALL men, gay and straight.

Aren't we all part of the same world? And shouldn't we, as free men (and women) enjoy the same rights for love and appreciation, notwithstanding the sexual orientation?

We do not condemn straight people. We condemn prejudice and ignorance. We condemn persecution, be it in God's name, or in any state's name.

Saying things like "it's not natural" are arguments that belong in the middle ages.

If Africa, and indeed Uganda, wants to be a part of a civilised world, things like this have to change. Otherwise, Uganda will never gain respect from other countries.

Now, saying this, may make me sound "colonial". However, as a Swede, I have NO colonial thoughts or racist behaviour. To say "this is Africa" as a shield against progress towards democracy, right of man, freedom, love - is racist! Because in that sentence, the shield contains the unnamed blame - the "western world" is depraved and degenerated.

Well, maybe. However, the truth is, being gay or straight - don't everybody deserve respect?

Greetings from a cool north.

gayuganda said...

Greetings globetrotter,

from a very rain soaked Kampala. Though the weather showers glimmers of moderation promising.

Welcome again Sasha.
Gandhi? ... You make me blush!!

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