Thursday, October 29, 2009

What do you think?

Would US official support be a plus or a minus?

Just look at this.

(AFP) – 4 hours ago
KAMPALA — If Uganda's recently tabled Anti-Homosexuality Bill becomes law it would mark a major setback in the promotion of human rights, the US embassy in Kampala told AFP Thursday.

"If adopted, a bill further criminalising homosexuality would constitute a significant step backwards for the protection of human rights in Uganda," the embassy's public affairs officer Joann Lockard said in an email.
"We urge states to take all necessary measures to ensure that sexual orientation or gender identity may under no circumstances be the basis for criminal penalties, in particular executions, arrests, or detention."

Addressing journalists on Thursday, Ugandan Ethics Minister James Nsaba Buturo said the country had no intention of heeding the advice of foreigners on the issue of homosexuality.

"They have come to me in great numbers and we are discussing it diplomatically but we are also telling them to mind their own business. They have no mandate whatsoever to come and say: 'Your values are wrong, mine are right'," he said.

Buturo balked at the notion that the proposed bill -- which, among other things, would criminalise any public discussion of homosexuality and could penalise an individual who knowingly rented property to a homosexual -- constituted a human rights violation.

"We are really getting tired of this phrase human rights. It is being abused. Anything goes, and if you are challenged? 'Oh, it's my right'," the minister snapped.

"Anal sex? Human rights. Robbery? Human rights. All sort of nonsense? Human rights," an exasperated Buturo went on.

Asked about donor nations and sexual rights campaigners who have voiced opposition to the bill, Buturo was again defiant.

"We have told those sources we are not going to compromise our integrity. And they are appalled. They cannot believe that Uganda says, on certain issues we are not going to sell our soul," he said.

Homosexuality -- or "carnal knowledge against the order of nature" as it is currently described in existing laws -- is already illegal in Uganda and can be punished with life imprisonment.


And, was it the US Senate? I am not sure, which means....


Anonymous said...

By the way: Senator Hanson-Young referred to in the link above is a member of the Australian parliament, not the US Senate.

Is this Buturo-person ignorant to the fact that an remarkable huge percent of the Ugandan state budget (more than half of it) is financed by foreign aid? And has been so for many years. But still millions of Ugandans live in poverty but the politicians don’t. In what way is this bizarre and violating bill connected to the upcoming election in 2011?

Leonard said...

·Sarah Coral Hanson-Young (born 23 December 1981) is an Australian politician. She has been a Greens member of the Australian Senate since July 2008, representing the state of South Australia·

Buturo is getting more fiesty by the moment...he´s insisting and demanding that this legislation MUST BE PASSED (his snowjob of making up ¨morals¨ as he goes along isn´t working)...can you imagine, the outside world is now noticing that this man has ¨set up¨ a Circus to persecute LGBT human beings (and murder too)...this isn´t a matter of ¨human rights¨ it´s a matter of losing his psychopathic mind/genocide!

Leonard said...

A very wise President would cut his balls off and come up with a scheme of ¨compassion¨ and ¨further understanding¨ of the LGBT ¨situation¨...obviously, railroading with this carnival act of Scott Lively and the rest of the second-rate ¨haters¨ isn´t going to hold water...yesterday in the State of Georgia they kicked Orombi and his Bishop out of the ¨poaching¨ they were doing in All Saints Charleston...Orombi and bigotdriven claims have already been denied by the Supreme Court in California and after appeal the U.S. Supreme Court refuses to hear their case...slipping fast into oblivion is the ignorant and heartless men who PREACH and DEMAND the damnation/persecution of other human beings (LGBT or not)´s time that James Buturo and his groupies start examining the content of their own fear/hatedriven souls.

Leonard said...

¨GEORGIA: Superior Court rules Christ Church Savannah is held in trust for the Episcopal Church¨

¨The dispute began in March 2006 when the church's former rector and members of the vestry "covertly and without prior notice to the Episcopal Bishop of Georgia or the congregation changed the church's articles of incorporation to disavow Christ Church's 217-year affiliation with The Episcopal Church," according to the continuing congregation's website.¨

This is one example of how The Anglican Church of Uganda/Orombi has been attempting to ¨poach¨ along with
anti-LGBT religious supporters at a few individual parishes of The Episcopal Church, U.S.A..

It´s all unauthorized Provincial Border CROSSING at The Anglican Communion (but they are getting tossed out/evicted, legally)

Very embarrassing for Uganda and reflective of the very bad choices, unethical and unwholesome politics of Bishop Henri Orombi.

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