Oh yeah, the politics of schism in
the Anglican Communion. Spilt out exposed- with my sexuality the apparent
But, the vitriol flying is deafening. Surely these people don’t really mind that I slept with a man like myself last night? Well, the sex was good.., how the hell does it concern…,
Sorry. I also slide off the path. Frequently.
So, apparently the ‘Anglican
Communion’ is split. Those in England side want to bless (LGBTQ+) kuchu unions.
Those in Uganda, in the clan called GAFCON, are not willing to bless kuchu
I wish it was that simple, but even to an observer on the outside, blessing
kuchu unions seems to be only the catalyst. For the wrath, rage, fire and spit
flying in public. Lots of repressed anger there.
So, with the Primate (Archbishop)
of the Church of Uganda enthusiastically championing Life Imprisonment and
Death for the homosexual in Uganda, the Primate of All England issued a rebuke.
Apparently first in private, and then in public.
The Primate England (Archbishop Webley) was concerned about support of
Anglicans for further criminalisation and death penalty for homosexuals. That
was not Anglican…, apparently they had had a resolution, [Lambeth 1.1 or something like that], against criminalisation. That
Kaziimba Mugalu openly thought that rubbish was a pain, said his brother
Anglican Wezley.
Vitriol flew:
“Stupid”, [my paraphrase], says
Kaziimba Mugalu. You don’t know anything about what you are saying, you Primate
of England.
[Eiissshh…, anyone who doesn’t know what
is happening with the Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023 must be living in heaven…, or
hell? It is 2023.., and the debate in Uganda and outside Uganda has been LOUD!]
‘The Death penalty was in the
Penal Code before’, says Kaziimba Mugalu.
[I think that is a lie…, we homosexuals
were not being sentenced to life in prison, let alone death for the crime of
loving each other. But, he is ‘Man of God’, surely he doesn’t lie so openly? Oh
yes, he does lie, the Archbishop]
‘The Criminalisation was there
from colonial times’, shouts Kaziimba Mugalu.
Seems kind of contradictory. It was there, yes? From more than half a century
ago, a colonial legacy you point out…, don’t you think it is time to stand on
your feet, Uganda? Own it, like you did in the Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2023.
Repent…,! Repent Webley, Repent of
the sin of advocacy for homosexuals. [He
must have been seething in Namirembe?!!] Repent
Webley ‘must repent for not supporting the criminalisation of LGBTQ+ people.”
quotes South African MambaOnline.., cheeky, but accurate.
‘Colonialism’, shouts Kaziimba
Hey, I told you this was a brawl, on the internet. Okay, from the GAFCON clan
side. The Primate of Rwanda is apparently the spokesperson for the GAFCON clan.
And he supported his friend in Uganda. It seems as if Webley of England cast a stone
and the bonfire erupted. Tinder dry, it was waiting, and every nasty name was
Apparently, when concern and advice comes from England, it is ‘colonial’. When
the advice comes from Uganda, shouted to ‘repent’ and turn to god, well, it is
pure loving concern…!
And the ultimate. ‘You don’t have
the right’ !!! We broke up, we are no longer with you…’
Okay.., okay, okay brothers. Chill, a little, please. We understand, we
understand. When there is a break up in the family, the emotions can fly high.
We don’t need to have all the dirty laundry out to dry.
It is supremely educative and embarrassing and eye opening.
We suspected before…, it is not that I love men, and have sex with them. Yeah, of course I was not naïve to think it was just me…, but, a sense of err, decency?
And, with the huge fight of the elephants in the room, we the grass who will rot and die in prison as gallows food…, err, is it possible to slip in a word that you are supposedly ‘Christian’? I mean, the world might doubt that, if they don’t already…, ahem, ahem.
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