Friday, February 12, 2010

The day, the morning.

Love is a strange thing.


Me and my man, sometimes we play a game of back and forth sniping. Happened yesterday, and we both went, or didn't go to bed in a nasty mood.

One thing it does, we are not afraid of sharing what we think. We share it, even when it makes the other mad. Of course there is the added option to apologise, to make up.

That, [ahem] is what we did when my alarm went off. Found myself in my lover's arms, and couldn't resist the lure of that warm body.


There is always a lesson of life in even the hardest experiences we take. Take that sniping. It is something that helps us.

I was with a group of kuchus who apparently didn't know much about me- well, they were hitting on me, and I was not about to enlighten them. And one of them, a huge hunk of a sexy guy shared how he after sex he can barely tolerate the person that he has had sex with. It has happened again and again, the way he was saying it. And, to him it is normal.


But, there was another guy that he is in love with. And, he was denying it. Vociferously.

The guys we were with knew him, and pinned him down. And, he wriggled and fought, and denied it.

Why would I deny being in love?

Why would I shy away from love? I am a serial lover. I fall in love, and I am not afraid of having sex and falling in love. Unfortunately, in my ability to separate sex from love, I must confess that I do hurt people. And, of course I am human. Sometimes I fall in love. And then fall out. I have hurt some like so. And, others have stepped on some tender heartstrings of mine. But, I will not be scared of love.


I laugh when Stephen Langa proclaims and pontificates that homosexuality is all about sex. Really?


Happy are the bigoted in their ignorance!


I am scanning through my e-box. My recent travails have taught me that it is much easier to blog than I thought. All this knowledge out there for the taking, sharing, knowing. I love being me. I think the buzz in my body is as much to do with the great sex that we had. Oh, I know I am shocking my Ugandan readers. But, I am a Ugandan who is gay. And, I am a human being who is not puritanical. I have sex, and I do enjoy it!


Some of my emails tend to be better than others. Some ask for what I cannot give. Some ask that I just get down on my knees and pray.

Like this one that I received yesterday. I didn't know what to do. Except to send a note of support. And, I repeated it this morning. Well, the guys are in Mombasa, and I am in Kampala. Half the breadth of the African continent lies between the two. And, even if I was there, what would I be able to do? Except pray. Did I mention that I don't pray?


I am not one to spam your mail boxes, but there is trouble brewing in
Mombasa, one of our Guys made a joke last week that he was getting married
to his lover, this issue has been picked by Radio Rahma and it's inciting
Muslims against Gay men. They are planning a demonstration tomorrow after
their 1:00pm prayers we fear that they will target our office as they are
announcing in the mosques that it's the meeting place of gays and that we
are encouraging the practice, another local Radio station Kaya FM has been
inciting women to demonstrate against gay men who are taking away their
husbands. We ask for your prayers and any support in the area of media
advocacy, anyone with links to the police can get in touch with me so that
we can arrange for security of our office especially tomorrow thanks

And, another email is a the scan of a poem by Cavafy.

Cavafy. Nearly 100 years ago. Alexandria, Egypt. "The Item in the Paper"


I love life as it is. I love reading poetry. I love the challenge of waking up to my lover in my arms. To making love, wild or gentle, easy.

I love the green of the grass, the bright sun that is embracing Kampala today. I love life's brimming cup that overflows early morning, noon, afternoons, and all the world over.


I love you all.


Have a great day.




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep on loving and living. and having sex (there is nothing wrong in that). Happy to have come across your blog!

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