Thursday, February 18, 2010

Porn in Church

Ahhhh! You know what I am talking about.

This post, if you havent seen it. And, this article.

I had prepared an attack against the Christians of Uganda. Using words like hypocrites, liars, hate mongers.... and such things. [Oh? Of course I do have enough evidence, however you may look at it. Their words. Their actions]
But I was pre-empted by news that some Christians have actually had enough. They are from the mainstream. And, they are going public with their opposition to the bill. A heart felt opposition, not the 'wish wash hypocrisy' of the Church of Uganda.

Christians will have to claim back their Church, if they are to have any more credibility. I am not willing to let them come to the realisation slowly, because, though I am not Christian, their 'representatives' are threatening this. I listened to Pastor Solomon Male on Agenda Uganda on NTV last night, and, if I had any more qualms at pointing at your dirty undergarments, why, they vanished.

So, this morning, I send this letter to my mailing list.

  • MP David Bahati, who is doing all this in defence of the traditional family.
  • MP Benson Obua Ogwal who calls me a gay pervert because the Bible calls me so. He co-sponsors the bill.
  • MP Nsaba-Buturo who is a born again Christian, fierce proponent of the Bill, and the Minister for Ethics and Integrity. Oh, he is also the minister of morals, and thus porn.
  • Speaker Ssekandi,... the man with the official final say with what goes on in parliament.
  • Stephen Langa. Ha, the 'ideologue' behind the Anti-Homosexuality Bill. And a fierce defender of the family. But, presumably not against gay porn...!
Here is my letter.

Dear Sirs,

Last night, I watched Pastor Solomon Male on Agenda Uganda on NTV justifying the killing of gay Ugandans, because they could not, or would not change.

This morning, I see this article. Ugandan Pastor screens gay porn in Church.


It would be laughable if it wasnt the truth. Of course Ssempa has done exactly the same thing many times. And, the Minister of Ethics and Integrity looks on... Martin Ssempa has screened gay porn at press conferences. He has done so at the National Theatre. He has done so at many other places which the press has simply not reported about. He has gone into graphic descriptions of gay porn on Television, and the Broadcasting Council is yet to caution any of the stations, or even the man of god.

Is it because it is Gay Porn? Or is it because it makes gay people look bad?

Or, will someone soon claim that there are laws against 'straight porn' and none against 'gay porn'?

This debate has reached, or has always been at the heights of hypocrisy.

Or, maybe it is the Christian thing to do, to screen porn in Church? Maybe I used to know a different Christianity.

the gay Ugandan pervert
Think it will do something?

I doubt. Are they really Christians? I dont know whether Speaker Ssekandi is born again, but, the others kind of tout their credentials a lot...!

the struggle continues


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