Friday, March 26, 2010

A Dream?

Somethings cannot be believed until in actual fact one sees them to be true.

Now, a whisper doing the rounds is that the Rt. Rev. Henry Luke Orombi, Archbishop of the Church of Uganda (Anglican), and Bishop of Kampala has appended his signature to an anti-Bill petition.

Is it true?

Is it possible?

Well, I will not hold my breath, until I see what it is. I have a healthy fear of churchmen. They act like the Pharisees in the time of Jesus. They say one thing, meaning the exact opposite. Now, if it was Desmond Tutu, I would take him at his word.

No. I would not take the Pope at his windy words. Of that I am sure….!


My roving eye was caught by this article. That the US can do better than export its religious hatred. Of course, I agree, wholeheartedly.

America can do better than to export its religious hatred to other countries. As we become more tolerant and accepting of those who are different, let's not leave a legacy of hatred and death in other countries that we have sway over.

And, it is true that condemnation of the bill continues to flow in. The Canadian House of parliament unanimously passed a resolution against the Bill. 

And, there are two pending(?) in Congress in the US.

No, [grin], I know enough of the politics to know that this is not actually about me. But, personally, I am grateful.

Hey, I have not been as garrulous as usual. But, here I leave you with a must-read rant about Ssempa antics. Take the wave, surf, and, I tell you, it is worth your while.

Comrade 27th? I assure you, that is a rant worth reading. I did. To the end. And, I came off laughing and amazed!


Be well!




1 comment:

Unknown said...

I needed a laugh and that last link got me laughing.

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