Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Exodus Comes Out


Sorry for the play on language. They were in, then they came out, then.... They identify as former homosexuals.

I am a current homosexual... the kind that deserves the life imprisonment if I am ever caught once, death as a 'serial offender' if they catch me again in Uganda. (would have to be in prison, not so?)

Exodus are big, and they are ex-gay, and they are Christian. And, they kind of are famous, since one of the ex-gay preachers from America came brandishing their teaching. Or part of their teaching.

Ok, serious. They come out against the bill. Part of the reason I think Ssempa over-reached.

While we do not believe that homosexual behavior is what God intended for individuals, we believe that deprivation of life and liberty is not an appropriate or helpful response to this issue. Furthermore, the Christian church must be a safe, compassionate place for gay-identified people as well as those who are confused about and conflicted by their sexuality. If homosexual behavior and knowledge of such behavior is criminalized and prosecuted, as proposed in this bill, church and ministry leaders will be unable to assist hurting men, women and youth who might otherwise seek help in addressing this personal issue. The Christian church .... must be permitted to extend the love and compassion of Christ to all. We believe that this legislation would make this mission a difficult if not impossible task to carry out.

Here is the full letter.

Interesting how I can find common cause with Exodus!

Desperate times, my friend. Desperate times.

But seriously, the kind of genocidal preaching the Christians in Uganda are preaching as Biblical and the only part of Christianity is, errr, radicalising my countrymates to the extent that I have learnt that I am not immune. Not at all. And, I cannot stand on the side. Not when this bill is actually tabled in the country's parliament.

It is immoral that we are even discussing it. But, WE ARE DISCUSSING IT. And the outcome concerns me personally.

Do I think it will pass? Yes, I do. That bill, in one form or another, will most likely become law in Uganda.

Do I think the Exodus statement helps?

Yes. Though of course, our dear President might consider these the 'European Homosexuals' who are recruiting. You saw the article, didnt you? Museveni is a homophobe. But, he also prides himself in being a stellar Christian. Janet Museveni believes fundamentally in the Bible. As most Ugandans do, but she also believes that these ancient texts have the cure for the modern day plague HIV. Whether I like it or not, Christians influence Christians. As opposed to gug trumpeting his lack of faith!

So, I am sending this to Ssempa. And, I am sending it to Bahati, and Benson.

And, so help me the deities, I plan to make this a grim nail in their coffin as Christians who support a genocide.
As Nsaba-Buturo would say, derisively, gay genocide is no genocide. Anal sex has no human rights, after all.



Leonard said...

I have a question.

Why are the Ugandans so obsessed with ¨anal sex¨? I even, and currently as I left it up, have a Ugandan troll visiting my blog who is concerned about ¨boy anus¨ and the like. I note the Ssempa loves ¨boy anus¨ talk...¨anus spewing¨ seems to strike a certain ¨chord¨ of recognition with his faux, selective Scriptural perverted preaching and are a key verbal ingrediant in his ¨pastoral smear wars¨...girls have a anus too, do these self-fearing idiots know it?...Do heterosexual religious bogeymen in Uganda have concerns about the ¨girl anus¨ or is this hate campaign a solely queerfearing male sickness?

Anus, anus, whose got an anus? WE ALL DO (well, mostly)...and I´ve heard that many heterosexuals, both male and female, USE THEM FOR SEXUAL THINGS!

Ought not they be put to death?


Now that we´ve got that cleared up, let´s talk about other body parts...mouths are nice and they sing, chat, hum, chew and add so many glorious, and positive/warm aspects (mostly) to our individual lives.

gayuganda said...

Ha Leonardo, I think it is actually the influence of Ssempa. He is teaching people in his church things like 'rimming', brown showers, golden showers, and other things.

But, when that holy man of god decides to dwell on THE defining aspect of homosexuality, anal sex, he is extremely, extremely expletive and disgusted. So, all the others who are necessarily ignorant just follow his lead.

So, 'anal sex' becomes the issue. Now, when I pull out the statistic that almost 50% of homosexual men dont have anal sex..... Well, it shows how ignorant and prejudiced some things will be.

Oh, they will continue coming along and patrolling your blog. For some reason, they have given this one a wide berth...!

But just take it as accolade. And, of course, educate them!

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