Thursday, November 5, 2009

Put Down the Stones-- MP Benson

I sent this article to some people, including the co-sponsors of the Bahati Bill. That is MP's Benson, and David Bahati.

MP Benson was glad to pen this note back to me...

Dear Anonymous Gay,

And you think this will deter us?

There are a very few aspects of the Bill that we can concede on like the Death
Penalty and Extra-territorail Jurisdiction, but Gays won't have a field day in
this country, try as the would. It is not about any of those Anti-Gya
activists being attacked in the media. It is about Uganda. If only Gays could
do it behind closed doors and not try to lure the innocent poor youth, it
would be a different matter. But they are becoming bolder and bolder.


Way to go, way to go, way to go....!!!!

1 comment:

Leonard said...

Of course the man isn´t going to change his ¨story¨...he actually believes this ¨luring¨ shit...sick as a dog and after he votes for this ¨Hate Bill¨ he will become one (speaking of indiscriminate humping) barking mad member of society!

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